
                  Turkey Sandwich


                        thin sliced turkey

                            red tomato

                           green lettuce




                       white sliced bread


1.Lay the slices of bread on a grill and let it sit there until it has grill marks on it,then take the sices of bread and lay avocado on each grilled slice of bead.

2.Put the tomato on the sandwich,then the turkey,then the lettuce. At the very end you put the yellow mustard on your sandwich.Then you can serve each sandwich with an olive.


                    Tomato Soup


              5 pounds of roma tomatoes

                 handfull of basil leaves

                         2 red onions

                         1/2 a garlic

                   1/2 bunch of parsly

                   extra virgin olive oil



                     1/2 a cup of milk


 1.Mix the tomatoes,basil leaves,                      onion,garlic,parsly,oil,salt,pepper,and milk together.

2.Boil the soup at 400 degrees until it starts to bubble up.Then Its ready to slurp.                


                            Lunch Ahoy



                          cherry tomatoes

                          yellow peppers

                            canned tuna

                      carrot or celery sticks


                                (optional) cheese   

                         goldfish crackers     


 1.Fill a vegetable vessel ( we used  half of the cucumber,cherry tomato,and yellow pepper)with the tuna.

2.Push one end of a carrot or celary mast into the tuna. For the sail set a triangle sail of yellow pepper,lettuce,and cheese.For sea effect serve it on a blue plate and scatter goldfish crackers on the plate.       

             Paint A Sandwich


                           food coloring  


                             white bread


1.Mix the milk and food coloring together,then take out a clean paint brush,and paint the bread.

2.Take out a toaster and toast the bread,until it becomes hard.Then its ready to eat.

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